Featuring exclusive 3D technology, superior SHR (super hair removal) and a large 4cm2 spot size, the Soprano Titanium offers the fastest, virtually painless and most effective hair removal treatments on the market today with ability to treat all skin types safely, all year round.
Our laser hair removal services are provided by an experienced team of dermatologist-trained and supported clinicians. Therefore, you can rest assured that your treatments will be performed safely and optimally no matter your skin type or condition.
Whilst predominantly utilised for its cosmetic benefits, our team also performs treatments on those with underlying skin conditions, such as hidradenitis suppurativa, eczema, folliculitis, those on isotretinoin and pseudofolliculitis barbae as treatment with laser hair removal can offer significant improvement in these conditions.
Soprano Titanium Special Edition Features
3D Technology
The Soprano Titanium combines the three most effective laser wavelengths into a single applicator, simultaneously targeting different tissue depths and anatomical structures within the hair follicle. By combining the absorption and penetration levels of different wavelengths, along with extended treatment coverage, increased comfort and low maintenance requirements, Soprano Titanium is the safest and most efficient hair removal treatment available today.
Superior SHR
SHR™ is the only clinically proven method of laser hair removal that is virtually painless, and it is the safest laser hair removal method for all skin types, including dark and tanned skin. It’s unique gradual heating and single pulse delivery method effectively damages the hair follicle and hinders re-growth, while preventing injury to the surrounding tissue. SHR™ can be safely and effectively be performed anytime of the year as well as on tanned skin. Furthermore, sun exposure is less traumatic to the skin following SHR treatment.
Trio MAX
Trio MAX is a revolutionary applicator that’s all about speed and efficiency. This unique applicator features a 4cm2 spot size, offering an impressive increase of up to 20% in treatment speed. The Trio MAX also features a distinctive cooling system, ensuring that treatments are virtually painless.